Syntek and Helio have successfully completed the installation of a 317.7 kWp rooftop solar power system at an automotive [...]

Procurement & Installation Of Solar PV Rooftop In Bekasi
Muhamad Yopi2024-05-08T04:11:23+00:00Throwing it back to 2021, Syntek successfully completed the installation project of a 1.5 MWp Rooftop Solar Power Plant [...]

Procurement And Installation Of Solar PV Rooftop In Bogor
Muhamad Yopi2024-05-08T03:38:52+00:00Syntek, together with @energixurya, has completed the installation project of a 777.15 kWp Solar Power Plant on the roof [...]

3×54 KW EV Charger Installation In Oil Industry Company
Muhamad Yopi2024-05-02T06:57:58+00:00Throwing it back to 2021, Syntek successfully implemented a 54 kW Smart Charging Station system at 3 gas stations [...]

Procurement & Installation Of Solar PV Rooftop In Batam
Muhamad Yopi2024-05-02T06:09:35+00:00Syntek, together with @arunapv_id, completed the installation project of a 472 kWp Rooftop Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in Batam [...]

Mobile Substation Integration To SCADA UP2D Kaltimra
Muhamad Yopi2024-05-08T08:42:22+00:00With pride, Syntek Energy & Control, commissioned by PT PLN (Persero) UP2D Kaltimra @pln_up2dkaltimra, has successfully completed the integration [...]

Watu Mute 160 kWp Off-Grid PV Power Plant
Fik Fik2023-01-17T07:13:17+00:00In addition to building the 230 kWp Nanga Meje Off Grid Solar Power Plant, Syntek also successfully built an [...]

Nanga Meje 230 kWp Off-Grid PV Power Plant
Fik Fik2023-01-17T04:55:48+00:00As a PLN contractor, Syntek Energy & Control has successfully built a 230 kWp Off Grid Solar Power Plant [...]

Installation of PLTS Atap 618.3 kWp at Shopping Mall in Palembang
Fik Fik2022-10-14T07:40:14+00:00Syntek as a renewable EPC Company in collaboration with PT SUN has completed the 618.3 kWp Solar Power Plant [...]

Microgrid Laboratory in UNIKA Semarang
Fik Fik2022-07-25T06:11:34+00:00Syntek engineers the design and installation of microgrid PV systems using VRLA and SCADA Batteries at UNIKA Semarang In [...]